
Ancient Rome & Colosseum

Posted in Architecture, History, Travel at 11:45 pm by Warren Williams

Every angle of the streets of Rome is a marvel, with ancient ruins and cobbled streets viewable in every direction.

Foro di Cesare (Forum of Caesar)
Foro di Cesare (Forum of Caesar) – Built between 54 & 46BC

Colosseum in Daylight
Due to the G8 summit, and visiting world leaders including Barack Obama, we were unable to get any closer.

Rome Colosseum reflected
Reflections on Niki

With the hassles of not being able to shoot the Colosseum up close or inside, Peter and I decided to venture off later in the evening once the area was reopened.

Arch of Constantine & Colosseum
Arch of Constantine & Colosseum

Colosseum at Night

Colosseum detail at night with moon
Colosseum Detail with the moon rising

Colosseum and Traffic Trails
Light trails by the Colosseum at which point we had to rush back to catch our last metro and bus around midnight.

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