
Morning Exercise in Paris

Posted in Landscape, People, Sport, Travel at 8:00 am by Warren Williams

After just a few hours sleep from the great views around the Arc de Triomphe, we walked along to Trocadero to catch a glimpse of the sunrise over the Eiffel Tower. With some excess energy to burn, and missing out on some exercise recently, we had to improvise with our new surroundings…

Sunrise over Eiffel Tower from Pont de Bir-Hakeim
Dawn over Eiffel Tower from Pont de Bir-Hakeim

Water from Pont de Bir-Hakeim
A passing boat on the Seine stirs up some ripples

Jumping Trocadero


Tai Chi Paris Eiffel Tower
Tai Chi

Jumping the Eiffel Tower

Imminent collision

Frogger in Paris
Frogger in Paris

Pressup in Paris, Eiffel Tower
Pressups in Paris – Click for Larger

Dual Pressups

Eiffel Tower Morning Light
Eiffel Tower in early light

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  1. Anke said,

    October 21, 2009 at 10:08 pm

    Great shots, Warren, love the animation 🙂

  2. Warren Williams said,

    November 4, 2009 at 3:37 pm

    Thanks Chris, appreciate your comments. The moment Pete said he was going to do some pressups, I envisioned making an animation – so set the tripod, dialled in 10 frames per second, and off he went. 🙂

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