
Red Vagator Beach

Posted in Animals, Landscape, Travel at 8:25 pm by Warren Williams

Ventured further north to the rocky red coastline of Vagator Beach, before settling down in the evening at Little Vagator Beach. Despite clouding over during most of the afternoon, the sunset shone through amazingly red, complementing the rockface.

Vagator Beach

Yet more cows, near Little Vagator

Flies on Cow

Little Vagator sunset

Little Vagator sunset

Very slippery rocks, where I almost had an underwater experience!

Red Vagator

Warren & Angus after sunset at Vagator Beach

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  1. Luke Wilson said,

    March 8, 2010 at 11:11 pm

    Hi Warren, I absolutely love your photos. I covered a lot of India this time last year and these shots have really taken me back! All my best, Luke

  2. Warren Williams said,

    March 9, 2010 at 8:32 am

    Cheers Luke! Really appreciate your comments.
    India is so massive, I still must head back again for Agra and Delhi.

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